In 1995, 14 wolves were released into Yellowstone National Park. Just 14, in the 2.2 million acre park. What happened over the next two decades is astounding.
In very short summary, the wolves hunted the deer, decreasing the population and re-locating a large percentage. The absence of deer lead to regrowth of vegetation in those areas, and new forests of Aspens and Willow trees began to flourish. This lead to more berries, bugs, etc. These attracted more and new species of birds. The wolves killed coyotes which meant more rabbits and mice, bringing more hawks, weasels, and foxes. The trees also attracted beavers back into the land, who built damns which provided homes for otters, muskrats, and the like. More of this wildlife meant more stable river banks, less erosion, etc. and even re-directed some channels. **Injecting just 14 wolves into the ecosystem changed the entire landscape of Yellowstone Park*
All of this was a result of BETTER BALANCE between predator and prey. Balance is effected by either adding something, or taking something away, right? Now keep that in mind while I get to my point.
The human body is an ecosystem. In fact it’s the most complex of all ecosystems. We all know “everything is connected”, but that might be the understatement of the century. Bones, muscles, and tissues that move blood, lymph, and hormones, fueled by oxygen and carbon dioxide which are ALL effected by the external stimuli of light, sound, water, and magnetism. A never ending, never resting, struggle for balance between the physics and chemistry of most complex science experiment ever conducted. Everything is everything is everything.
If 14 wolves can impact a 2.2 million acre on every level, maybe we can add or subtract wolves in our ecosystem. Maybe the little things won’t seem so little from this perspective. Maybe very complex problems can be improved dramatically with one “small” fix, and maybe these issues exist in the first place because of one or two small catalysts. Maybe “big” and “small” aren’t the right words at all, and throw off our perception altogether.
Could a “small” habit like using the phone in the bedroom be having a big impact physically, mentally, and emotionally on your life and the life of your family? Or perhaps a “big” change like adjusting your macronutrient breakdown isn’t giving the results you hoped because of a “small” habit like poor breathing pattern or lazy posture? Could a “small” dose of toxins injected into a child’s bloodstream set off a chain of enormous reprocussions across the entire ecosystem so severe, that it changes the landscape forever?
Everything is everything is everything.
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